What you need:
1 box of Brownie Mix (eggs, oil, water- whatever the mix calls for)
Half a bag of Marshmallows (about 20)
3 TBSP butter
Graham Cracker Crumbs
How you do it:
Sprinkle a nice coating of graham crackers on the bottom of a pan, then pour in brownie mix
While brownies are baking, in a large sauce pan on medium heat, melt marshmallows and butter
Marshmallows should be smooth and to a bubble then remove from heat
When brownies are finished baking, pour marshmallows over top and sprinkle with more graham crackers. You can also cut and remove brownies then top with marshmallow.
Why it's so good:
HELLO! Marshmallows and warm brownies. YUM! Eat them alone, make them for an indoor "camping" night with the kids or top with French Vanilla ice cream for a special dessert.
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